"Sumi e" color palette

Sumi e tags

minimalisttraditionalelegantsubtlecontrastmonochromaticinkblack and whitejapanesebrushstrokesdeep blacksoft grey侘び寂び (wabi-sabi)


Sumi e Color Conversions To rgb/hex/hsl Codes

HEX #181E28
RGB 24, 30, 40
HSL 218, 25, 13
HEX #666666
RGB 102, 102, 102
HSL 0, 0, 40
RGB 166, 166, 166
HSL 0, 0, 65
RGB 229, 229, 229
HSL 0, 0, 90
HEX #212021
RGB 33, 32, 33
HSL 300, 2, 13

Sumi e Color Palette Complementary

The following are the complementary colors of the selected color palette. Each color is generated by rotating the hue of the color by 180 degrees.

Sumi e color paletteComplementary Rotate 45°

Sumi e color paletteComplementary Rotate 30°

Sumi e color paletteComplementary Rotate 60°

Sumi e Color Palette Shades

The following are the color shades of the selected color palette. Each color shade is generated by decreasing the brightness of the color by 10%. click on the color to copy the hex code.

Sumi e color palette of#181e28 color shades

Sumi e color palette of#666666 color shades

Sumi e color palette of#a6a6a6 color shades

Sumi e color palette of#e5e5e5 color shades

Sumi e color palette of#212021 color shades

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